about the project


About the project
Youth PURPOSE: Preparedness of YoUngsters, ResPonse, RecOvery, Solidarity, and VoluntEering in Times of Crises
With the COVID pandemic, global warming and climate change being more real than ever and our humanity being constantly put on a test, there is a need to reshape the approach towards disaster management: to engage the active young citizens in building the community resilience and to support creation of a global society founded on solidarity as one of the key EU values.
Numerous studies have shown the importance of early engagement of young people in planning and preparedness efforts for disasters. The high numbers of fatalities, among them many children and youth, are yet another evidence that educational approach is not enough and additional education and training in emergency and disaster management is undeniably necessary.
The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation
The Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation was established in 2007 and so far has raised over 25 million EUR for disaster management, emergency relief and educational and employment programs.www.youthalliance.org.mk
Youth Alliance Krusevo
Youth Alliance-Krusevo (YAK) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profitable organization established in Krusevo (1999) with the vision for supporting, involving and empowering…www.europeanresearchinstitute.eu
The European Research Institute
The European Research Institute (ERI) is a non-profit organization that works to promote research and experimentation for innovation in scientific and social fields.www.youngafrica.org
Young Africa (Namibia)
Young Africa (YA) is a confederation of local NGOs running self-reliant skills training centers for employability & entrepreneurship in Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Botswana, and Zambia.www.ethioymca.org
The Young Men’s Christian Association of Ethiopia
The Young Men’s Christian Association, commonly known as the YMCA or simply the Y, is a worldwide organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, with more …www.2030youthforce.org
2030 Prapta Nusa Organization (2030 Youth Force Indonesia)
2030 Youth Force (YF) is a youth network in the Asia-pacific collectively working towards a quality life in 2030 #LeavingNoOneBehind, using SDGs 16 and 17 to raising awareness of 2030 agenda among youth.www.yesd.org
Youth Employment and Society Development Social Enterprise (YESD) Vietnam
Youth Employment and Society Development (YESD) is a social enterprise focusing on capacity for disadvantaged youth and local communities in remote areas…Facebook Posts
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The global challenges we face, led by the climate change are more real than ever. Every year natural disasters kill around 90,000 people and affect close to 160 million people worldwide. The extent to which such events have a fortunate outcome or destroy people’s livelihoods is by no means a matter of chance. Warning systems, safe buildings and well-coordinated aid and relief services can help ensure as many people as possible come through a loss event unscathed and recover quickly from its consequences.
Yet, building resilience does not understand only emergency response systems, but rather capacities of the community to restore its normality as quickly as possible by developing tools to prepare, response, recover and mitigate crises. Youth PURPOSE puts young citizens in the focus by strengthening their resilience by educating them on disaster management, empowering them on active citizenship and volunteering in times of crisis, as well as building a culture of solidarity.